International Disarmament Institute News

Education and Research on Global Disarmament Policy

April 28, 2017
by mbolton

Humanitarian Positive Obligations for a Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty

The object and purpose of the proposed nuclear weapons ban treaty is to address and prevent the catastrophic humanitarian and environmental consequences of nuclear weapons. As such, the political process that has led to the beginning of negotiations is rooted … Continue reading

March 30, 2017
by mbolton

Op-Ed: The Case for Positive Obligations in the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty

Republished from Nuclear Ban Daily, 1(4), pp. 2-3. The case for the nuclear weapons ban treaty has been rooted in the traditions of international humanitarian law and humanitarian disarmament law, which bind states to acknowledging the suffering caused by war, … Continue reading

March 27, 2017
by mbolton

Op-Ed: Ensuring the Nuclear Ban Treaty Is a Humanitarian Treaty

Republished from Nuclear Ban Daily, 1(1), p. 3. The nuclear weapon ban treaty negotiations are the culmination of the Humanitarian Initiative on Nuclear Weapons. It has emerged from conferences (in Oslo, Nayarit, and Vienna) and UN General Assembly discussions that … Continue reading

March 24, 2017
by mbolton

Disarmament Education and the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty

  Gathering in New York this year, the majority of the world’s countries aim to negotiate a treaty banning nuclear weapons (meeting 27-31 March and 15 June to 7 July 2017). Deeply concerned with the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of nuclear … Continue reading

February 11, 2017
by mbolton

Op-Ed: The world is safer because of the Iran deal. We must not abandon it.

Commentary by Matthew Bolton, Director of Pace University’s International Disarmament Institute in The Hill, 10 February 2017: The 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the “Iran deal,” represents one of the most significant recent diplomatic victories in curbing … Continue reading

August 9, 2016
by mbolton

Special Section of Global Policy: The Humanitarian Initiative on Nuclear Weapons

The academic journal Global Policy has published a Special Section on nuclear disarmament edited by Pace University’s International Disarmament Institute, focusing on the Humanitarian Initiative on Nuclear Weapons. As states meet in Geneva this week for the UN Open-Ended Working … Continue reading

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